feeling retro


is anyone else digging this 70's throwback happening? well it's happening, whether you're feelin' it or not. and before you mutter in protest, hear me out. this is an easy one to pull off. it's pretty much jeans (FLARES!), cutoffs and, of course vintage(y) t-shirts. you were saying? i also love the look with modern touches, like multiple rings (not mood rings, too hippie for me!), ankle or knee-high boots and high-wasted skinnies as opposed to flares. this will be my uniform for most of spring + summer.

a few of my favorite tees below. especially the first one from reformation (worn above and first on the list). it makes me feel like the character edited out in post from dazed and confused, which BTW did you know they are making an unofficial sequel to? all right, all right, all right!

ok. i am officially old. le sigh.


reformation kenny tee (love it in the olive color) // wild thing tee // laurel canyon tee // bite me tee // let's play tennis! // costume tee // wildfox tee // mickey mouse tee

for more inspo check out my ig feed and the og dazed and confused. good stuff i promise;-) 


and me posing in front of a glitter bus. right on! peace out sunshines. happy clicking ;-)

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