happy birthday cheeky!

this is my favorite photo of cheeky. this is the face that pops up when he calls me. it's about five years old. i can barely piece back the where + what behind what we were doing. i just know he looked damn handsome that day. and he still has this entire outfit, including the chain bracelet he's worn everyday except the day we got married.

pretty sure anyway.

so is it so wrong for me to want to keep him this way forever? i will of course love him always, silver hair, sagging butt and all. but this image of him i will bottle and keep in my memory always. or until i get old too, and more forgetful... and start to appreciate the scars of life and gravitational pull on his derier.

but we're not quite there yet. and i swear i was going somewhere with this. oh yes! it's cheeky's birthday. and about five years ago he took an amazing picture. and that is also worth celebrating. happy birthday Joshua Cheek! and that is my gift to you: capitalizing your name (he really isn't into my penchant for all lower case letters). and giving you shit for the rest of our lives.

you promise to love my old butt, too? thought so.

xoxo, sony forever + ever, saggy butts + all

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