stomping grounds...

summer is technically over. but mother nature says nope. no fall for you yet. and she's right. what's the rush? so until la decides to get its climatic shit together, we made it a point to hit up one of our favorite stomping grounds, the splash pad at grand park. and it was a good one:->

>> maxwell seldom 'dives' right in and wants me to carry him around for the first five or thirty minutes lol. can he just stay small enough for me to carry him forever??

>> just look at these happy humans...

one of the best things about the splash pad is that it's located in downtown la. so a walk around it's perimeter is always a good idea. we usually head west toward grand central market and loop back. it never gets old.

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>> hole mole :->

>> more on this, the best falafel in all the land, to come. because it really deserves it's own post. RIDICULOUS.

>> now that's the life. pretty sure the last time josh tried to carry me on his shoulders he dropped me. we may or may not have been inebriated. no. we absolutely were :->

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>> a piece of advice: swimwear at a bookstore is always appropriate...when you're 15 months old.

>> please tell me i'm not the only one who checks themselves out this way...


>> and as you know it has been HOT. so crop top and ripped shorts for the win. it defies my rule of equal part skin to clothing but hey, sometimes rules are meant to be broken.

and we're out!

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