CicLAvia via the heart of LA

i really wasn't messing around when i said biking is our thing. and this latest ride was our longest yet. we tagged along with the good folks at CicLAvia for their most recent event: heart of LA. this was extra special as it was celebrating five years here in LA. josh + i ride participated in the very first one! i completely remember that ride. i even remember what i wore: red hot pants and a white tank top. other than my fashion sense it hasn't changed much. it's still an amazing time. tons of people, kids, dogs and all the modes of transport, except cars. the only thing that has changed is adding some very precious cargo to our bikes.

as its name suggests, the heart of LA route geared riders through the neighborhoods of Westlake Village/MacArthur Park, DTLA, Chinatown + Boyle Heights via the Arts District. since we rode to the actual start, add on West Hollywood, Mid-Wilshire, Larchmont and Koreatown. if that sounds like a lot it was! for a minute i debated driving to the start of the course. i quickly dismissed the idea. not our style. and while my booty was toast by the end of the day i would not have done it differently. i was really proud of us and, as maxwell would say, "we did it!" he says that after practically everything these days. lol.

some photos from our epic ride though the heart of LA! and then some! 

the unofficial starting line: W E ST  H O L L Y W O O D

 gearing up. and knox in max's old sweater and sneaks! also, buzz. 

what binkie?

ok. you win. always.

second (and fanciest) neighborhood: L A R C H M O N T

i love passing through this borough. it truly takes my breath away. the houses are huge, mansions even. the quiet, tree-lined streets are wide despite little to no traffic. ironically, josh almost hit a guy who walked into the road walked right in front of him. i suppose that speaks to how few cars, or bikes for that matter, anyone sees around there. anyway, it's pretty much a dream here. i mean just look at the fall leaves happening. also, MANSIONS. 

oh hey! check out the sign by my feet! that's a sensor for bike riders so the light knows you're waiting to cross. i cannot even begin to tell you how convenient these are, especially when riding with kiddos. actually, ask josh some time. he'll have a fun answer for ya! this one was somewhere between larchmont and koreatown. but really why aren't these everywhere? get on that one LA.

next up: K O R E A T O W N!

took zero pictures except this aerial shot because you know how i love this angle! but seriously, koreatown, k-town whatever you wanna call it is kind of cray. you really have to pay attention.  

the actual starting line:

W E S T L A K E  V I L L A G E   +   M A C A R T H U R  P A R K

so cool seeing so many people from all over the city come together.


sorry this photo is REALLY blurry but when you're riding and trying to snap, well, this happens. so in case you didn't know, metro bikes have been popping up all over the city. downtown especially, so if you don't have a bike who cares! you can borrow one! josh and i used a similar version of the metro bikes while on our honeymoon in montreal, an incredibly bike-friendly city. their bike lanes even have dedicated street lights. anyway, i am telling you it was the best. i will never forget how exhilarating it felt. zipping through the cobblestone streets with josh. i was also pretty buzzed. #lifebeforekids

mandatory dismounts kind of really blow. sorry CicLAvia but it's true. 


stoopin'. chillin'. eating raisins. watching josh lock up our stuff. spacing out. the usual. 

so we decided to take a break in chinatown. we don't come here all that often because honestly unless an event is happening there isn't much here for us. but when there is. woot! this place gets pretty lit. 

so happy i happened to have $4 actual dollar bills in my wallet. money. well. spent.

made his little boy dream of "flying" in a spaceship come true. 

knox + a worm. you're welcome. 

bow down. because burgerlords is even better than it sounds.  

it is basically in-n-out for vegans. AMEN. 

double vegan patty burger + fries. pro tip: josh and i split this and it was more than enough. 

B O Y L E  H E I G H T S  


F O U R T H  S T  B R I D G E

watching the choo-choo trains pass by...

and this is when knox passed out. sad he missed the bridge, which he would have loved, no doubt. not pedaling is apparently really exhausting

by the time we reached the bridge the event was about to end. the streets would slowly open back up to normal traffic, meaning cars, cars, and more cars. i'm bummed we didn't make it into boyle heights more but being on the bridge was enough for now. it was special, riding without worry. i felt free. for that small window of time i felt like we owned that bridge. how rarely can you call something in this city your own? that is how i felt. i really don't know how else to describe it. except awesome. it was most definitely awesome. 

so we began the journey back home...

... and for just a little bit, before the roads opened back up for normal strife and riders cleared the streets...

... it was all so completely quiet and still. and again i felt like it was all mine. this city, this place in time. i found my place in time. this is my time. and i am having the time of my life. 

thanks CicLAvia. here's to another 5 years. and then some...

xoxo, sony

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